This is a famous quote, and one that I’m sure we’ve all used. It also worked for us today heading to Houston, only to have our stairs stop working at a rest stop. YUP, once again stairs stuck on out so we couldn’t continue our drive. Out came the tools, and the request for help. There are ALWAYS truckers willing to help ! We started getting the stairs apart and then we couldn’t get the pin out, so a young man stepped in to help. Tied up the stairs and we are now “stair less” for the duration of the trip. We have decided to give up on fixing them until we take take the unit back to the manufacturer in Buffalo in April. So we got to the RV resort, it is beautiful! And quickly onto dinner at Flora’s.
Flora’s is a Mexican restaurant which was AMAZING!! Best dinner yet!!
Here are some pics.
Okay, that half-and-half fish dish was pretty impressive.
I love everything about this restaurant!!!