Getting our tourist legs back

We are starting to wind down all our ”to do lists” before leaving next Monday, Aug 24th. Going back and forth to appointments, Costco (of course one must go for a run or two before any trip), give Winston a bath, Costco, grocery story for the small ”stuff”, Costco.

We have also tried to do a little pausing to ”smell the roses”. We stopped in Limehouse the other day and hopped on the Bruce Trail (800 km long and more than 400 km of side trails) which runs from Niagara river to the tip of Tobermoury Ontario. It was beautiful with the autumn leaves and fresh breeze. We saw the old Kilns (they made the limestone in these back in the day). Quite educational really. And after an arduous 15 min we were heading back to the car onto the next appointment, and Costco.

Clearly having technical difficulties with my pictures, so just shift your head into a nice stretch touching your left shoulder to view. And with any proper stretching exercises don’t forget to do the other side…….

We will continue to update you on our ”pre journey” !

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